About Us

Becoming a member of Rural Contractors New Zealand adds a lot of value and benefits to your contracting business. From deals and discounts with associate partners, to advice and a business listing on our website. RCNZ supports its members to navigate workplace operations as a rural contractors. For advice, consultation, or general queries contact us today. Contact details are listed below, or fill out our contact form and we’ll get back to you.

Our Purpose

RCNZ represents rural contractors providing services to farmers, councils and rural communities from Kaitaia to Southland.

We are a voice for our members – and for the rural communities we serve.

We oprovide the assurance that we are connected to other kindred associations and collectively across issues that matter.

Our Key Activities

Supporting Training

Supporting training offered to Rural Contractors in New Zealand

Gaining Approval to Import Skilled Workers

We gain approval to import skilled machinery operators

Monitoring Chemical Spray Requirements

We track the health & safety requirements for chemical spraying

Input to Transport Rules for Farm Machinery

Offering input into the rules for transportation of farm machinery

We Provide:

Immigration Advice

Receive advice on immigration, employment and legal matters.

Advocacy for Plans and Policies

Rural Contractors NZ monitor central and local government policies, plans and proposals to sustain contracting business and lobby for better outcomes for the sector.

Training Information and Resources

Training and career infromation and acess to programs designed to grow better contractors.

Partner Discounts

Access to dscounts and benefits through prefeered supplier arrangements.

Partner Discounts

Access to dscounts and benefits through prefeered supplier arrangements.

Our Staffing

RCNZ operates with a chief executive officer– Andrew Olsen part-time communications advisor – Brendon Burns and part time financial support – Shelley Lancastar

Contact Andrew to discuss anything on your mind other than communications or media matters which are directed to [email protected]

Premium Partners

Rural Contractors New Zealand is proud to host these Premium Partners. Click to view their products and services.

More of Our Partners

The Rural Contractors New Zealand Board

RCNZ's board comprises eight members, elected annually, to represent four zones. Zone 1 is north of northern Taranaki across to northern Hawkes Bay. Zone 2 is south from there to Wellington. Zone 3 is north of Oamaru. Zone 4 is south of Oamaru.

Clinton Carroll

Clinton Carroll


Wairarapa Zone 2
027 245 2798

Daryl Thompson

Daryl Thompson

Vice President

Southland, Zone 4
027 439 2842

Andrew Olsen

Andrew Olsen

Chief Executive

027 255 2549

Ben Clarke

Ben Clarke


Christchurch Zone 3
027 432 5282

Julie Clark

Julie Clark


Cambridge Zone 1
027 404 9102

Daryl Johnstone

Daryl Johnstone


Southland, Zone 4
027 454 9024

Gordy Brown

Gordy Brown


Reporoa, Zone 1
021 593 163
Alistair Kalin

Alistair Kalin


Taranaki, Zone 2
027 384 4822

David Molloy

David Molloy


Canterbury, Zone 3
027 436 2441

Brendon Burns

Brendon Burns

Communications Advisor

For comment or information from RCNZ, contact Brendon
027 430 5501

RCNZ Zoning

Rural Contractors New Zealand exists to provide benefits for its members and to represent at a local and national lebel, the interest of the rural contracting industry. The very diverse nature of the rural contracting industry means that the association has a very wide coverage, both geographically and in the services provided. 

Each of our zones holds its own meetings to bring members up to date and also an AGM where two board members are elected – if not already elected by postal ballot.

The country is divided into four zones:

Zone 1

Upper half of the north island, seperated from zone 2 by a line between north Taranaki and North Hawke’s Bay

Zone 2

Lower half of the north island, seperated from zone 1 by a line between north Taranaki and North Hawke’s Bay

Zone 3

Upper half of the south island, seperated from zone 4 by a line across the south island from Oamaru

Zone 4

Lower half of the south island, seperated from zone 3 by a line across the south island from Oamaru