Sustainability Highlights

With a growing global population NZ is well placed to deliver high quality trusted produce around the world. However increasingly our industry is tasked with ‘doing more with less’.

Here in NZ we have a Sustainability team focus locally that also feeds future focused ideas into our global sustainability team.

For more on this you can review our annual sustainability reports here.

Global Efforts


Reduced chemical usage, Chemical Stewardship, Resistance Management

Nuseed Carinata

Removing atmospheric carbon and regenerating soils, all while growing a non-food sustainable bioenergy source that reduces emissions when used to replace fossil fuels.


The world’s first plant-based source of total omega-3 nutrition, including DHA, EPA, and ALA. Preserving marine habitats and improving human health.


Aquaterra is the world’s first land-based source of long chain omega-3 fatty acids. An excellent complement to fish nutrition for higher-quality nutritious fish.

Local Efforts


Founding Member supporting growing plastic recycling

Formulation Upgrades

Reduce product use rates, shipping containers and packaging

Renewable Energy

Solar power generation on warehouses, electric forklifts and Hybrid vehicles


7 BioGro organic brands, renewable crop oil adjuvants, reducing water application rates and off target drift

Rural retail

3 on farm, sustainability projects with each of NZ largest rural retailers

Active Ingredient Stewardship

Ask your local NUF Territory manager for Stewardship Training that lifts results and reduces resistance….