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Rural Contractors News

National Certificate in Fencing Level 2 or 3

Rural Contractors NZ is the voice for the $1.5b rural contracting industry accounting for 0.8% of GDP and 0.9% of national employment. Source: Infometrics 2018 report available here 

RCNZ media releases and comments below – or contact our Communications advisor Brendon Burns (0274 305501)

Media Comments

Regional forums this year for rural contractors

Rural Contractors NZ will kick off its 2025 roadshows in four centres in June and like the organisation’s conference, attendance will be largely free. The RCNZ Board confirmed the dates and venues at its February meeting. CEO Andrew Olsen says the first roadshow will...

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Fatigue campaign getting a re-run

The summer campaign against fatigue run by Rural Contractors NZ was  being refreshed in time for those working on the autumn maize crop. RCNZ CEO Andrew Olsen says there’s been great feedback on the campaign which was fronted by veteran rural contractor Steve Murray....

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Fatigue campaign launched

Rural Contractors NZ has launched a campaign on the risks of fatigue in their industry. CEO Andrew Olsen says because they work seasonally, drive big machines and face weather and crop timing challenges, rural contractors need to manage fatigue risks. “We are saying...

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Harri takes inaugural agrichem applicators award

A 25-year old Waikato man with four years industry experience has taken out the inaugural Nufarm RCNZ Agri-Chemical Applicator of the year award.Harri Moss who is Operations Manager for Spraylink based near Cambridge was announced the winner at the awards dinner at...

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Changing of the guard

Three long-serving Rural Contractors NZ Board members stood down at the JuneMasterton conference – and a new President and Vice-President were elected. Waikato’s Helen Slattery has served the board for 12 years with the last three years as its first woman President....

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Free conference again for rural contractors

Rural contractors will gather in Masterton in June for their conference – and once again it will be free for them to attend. RCNZ CEO Andrew Olsen says his Board has recently confirmed that the organisation will again provide free registration to members. The...

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Nufarm and RCNZ launch agrichem awards

Rural Contractors New Zealand in partnership with Nufarm are delighted to announce the Nufarm RCNZ Agri-Chemical Applicator of the year award. The purpose of the award is to recognise an individual who demonstrates excellence in Agri-Chemical application and...

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Brief to Incoming Ministers

Many organisations prepare BIMs for their relevant incoming Minister. Unusually, Rural Contractors NZ CEO Andrew Olsen has chosen to openly share his to the new Ministers of Agriculture, Immigration, Transport and Environment Dear Ministers, Let’s get straight to the...

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Feed supply concerns emerging in some areas

Some parts of central and upper North Island may be 15% down on maize production this season, says Rural Contractors NZ. Julie Clark from Otorahanga and Helen Slattery from Matamata represent members from Taupo north on the RCNZ Board. Helen, who is RCNZ President,...

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HanzonJob app widens scope

The HanzonJobs app has been updated and is already in use for the 2023/24 season of rural contracting. Its developer Richard Houston says while the core focus remains the work done on the land for rural contractors, the wider benefits of the app are starting to be...

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