Nufarm and RCNZ launch agrichem awards

Rural Contractors New Zealand in partnership with Nufarm are delighted to announce the Nufarm RCNZ Agri-Chemical Applicator of the year award. The purpose of the award is to recognise an individual who demonstrates excellence in Agri-Chemical application and...

HanzonJob app widens scope

The HanzonJobs app has been updated and is already in use for the 2023/24 season of rural contracting. Its developer Richard Houston says while the core focus remains the work done on the land for rural contractors, the wider benefits of the app are starting to be...

RCNZ and UK equivalent work on labour exchanges

Rural Contractors New Zealand Inc (RCNZ) and its UK equivalent, the National Association of Agricultural Contractors (NAAC) have launched a new partnership to try and help solve the labour shortage gap for contractors. ‘Covid and closed borders severed a lot of the...

Rural News opinion article from RCNZ CEO Andrew Olsen

    Since the end of World War II, New Zealand has had nine recessions. I’m not sure any of these previous ones have been engineered by the Reserve Bank – or at least no Governor has so proclaimed responsibility. However, whether shallow, technical or deep,...