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Rural Contractors News
National Certificate in Fencing Level 2 or 3
Rural Contractors NZ is the voice for the $1.5b rural contracting industry accounting for 0.8% of GDP and 0.9% of national employment. Source: Infometrics 2018 report available here
RCNZ media releases and comments below – or contact our Communications advisor Brendon Burns (0274 305501)
Media Comments
Big benefits from RCNZ
I'm a committed Southlander but even I would accept it takes a bit to pull in 40 people to a meeting on a frosty winter's evening down here. So it was with a recent meeting in Winton of Zone 4 of Rural Contractors NZ. We had 40 members (or staff of members) turn up...
Rural Contractors NZ selects new leaders
New RCNZ president David Kean with deputy Helen Slattery and outgoing president Steve Levet The new presidential team leading Rural Contractors New Zealand (RCNZ) says the organisation plays an invaluable role educating and up-skilling contractors and promoting...
Rural Contractors dig deep for Wellington Free Ambulance
New Zealand's agricultural contractors opened their wallets and raised more than $33,000 for Wellington Free Ambulance during their annual conference, which was held in Masterton 26-28 June. Rural Contractors New Zealand (RCNZ) is the industry body that represents the...
Rural contractors dig deep again for St John
St John in the Southland/Queenstown Lakes region is more than $35,000 better off – thanks to the generosity of Rural Contractors New Zealand (RCNZ) members attending its annual conference held in Queenstown this month. RCNZ president Steve Levet says as part of the...
Outstanding in her field
Rural Contractors New Zealand (RCNZ) board member and partner in Matamata-based Slattery Contracting, Helen Slattery has broken through the glass ceiling to be the first woman in the sector to gain a National Certificate in Infrastructure Works Supervision Level 5 in...
Record turnout at annual conference
A record turnout of 153 contractors, from all around the country, descended on the Bay of Islands – in late June – for this year’s RCNZ annual conference. RCNZ national president Steve Levet was delighted with the record conference turnout – held at the Copthorne...
Contractors must do their bit
Agricultural contractors around the country must play their part in helping to prevent the spread of the invasive weed velvetleaf, says Rural Contractors NZ (RCNZ) president Steve Levet. Mr Levet is reminding contractors about the importance of biosecurity and...
English on the money
Rural Contractors NZ (RCNZ) president Steve Levet says comments made by Deputy Prime Minister Bill English in relation to the suitability and work ethic of some young New Zealanders is, unfortunately, correct. Mr Levet was commenting on Mr English’s recent remarks to...
Rural contractors back current temporary worker immigration rules
Agricultural contractors around New Zealand support the Government’s current immigration rules on allowing temporary workers into the country. This comes following recent criticism by opposition political parties that these regulations are cutting New Zealanders out...
Not a good example
Rural Contractors NZ (RCNZ) is concerned about Fonterra’s moves to extend the time it takes to pay contractors as part of an efficiency drive. The organisation, which represents NZ’s agricultural contractors, concerns come in the wake of reports that Fonterra has...
What about us?
Rural Contractors New Zealand is questioning why the Government has made recent changes to immigration rules to help Queenstown employers recruit much needed staff, but continues to ignore similar requests from the rural contracting sector. RCNZ President,...
Contractors can help farmers out
Farmers facing financial stress and mounting pressure on-farm and exacerbated by the increasingly dry weather, should reach out for help as should agricultural contractors, advises Rural Contractors New Zealand. RCNZ President, Steve Levet says with the on-going dry...