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Rural Contractors News

National Certificate in Fencing Level 2 or 3

Rural Contractors NZ is the voice for the $1.5b rural contracting industry accounting for 0.8% of GDP and 0.9% of national employment. Source: Infometrics 2018 report available here 

RCNZ media releases and comments below – or contact our Communications advisor Brendon Burns (0274 305501)

Media Comments

Maintaining equipment a key to better health and safety

Southland Times A recent court case in Southland provides a stark reminder of how important it is for rural contractors and farmers to ensure machinery is properly maintained and serviced as part of our commitment to improving health and safety on farms. A lack of...

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Handling chemicals – Southern Rural Life column October 2019

David Kean, President, RCNZ It might seem a bit odd for the head of an organisation that makes much of its living spraying chemicals to say this but I have long stated: all chemicals are dangerous if not handled appropriately. In that vein, our Rural Contractors NZ...

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RCNZ report to Federated Farmers National Council 2019

A recent report commissioned by RCNZ from the Infometrics economic consultancy found that rural contracting is now a $1.5b industry, accounting for nearly 1 percent of New Zealand’s employment. Our sector has enjoyed sustained growth – 5.8% per annum since 2010 - with...

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A win/win with Ireland

By David Kean, RCNZ President As rural contractors we are often reliant on imported skilled operators for the machinery we run, so it was great to hear recently that RCNZ has gained approval to bring in 149 operators for the 2019/0 season. Our CEO Roger Parton spends...

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No luck for Irish contractors

Ireland – often the source of skilled farm machinery operators for rural contractors in New Zealand – is facing even worse shortages. FCI Ireland which represents farm and forestry contractors, has recently written to the Irish Government saying some of its members...

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Part of the family approach brings benefits

Richard Woodhead is a Wanaka-based board member of Rural Contractors NZ. Recently three of our overseas machinery operators, two Irish, one English lad, headed home. They are all talking of returning to spend another season with us. We normally do have repeats and...

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A time to reap and to sow sound practices

With the wine vintage now underway around New Zealand, the organisation representing rural contractors has called on the wine industry to ensure its following sound health and safety practices. Rural Contractors NZ president David Kean says like much other...

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Government immigration proposals sound at first glance

The nation's rural contracting organisation has welcomed the Government's proposals to make it easier for regions to get workers. Rural Contractors New Zealand president David Kean says last month's announcement looks like a step if not a leap in the right direction....

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The world is your contracting oyster

When someone learns the skills to drive a big, expensive piece of farm machinery, a whole world of opportunity opens up. As but one example, my son is off to Western Australia again shortly, as our workload here in central Southland eases off with the arrival of...

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Fatigue is a killer

David Kean Rural Contractors NZ president You may have seen this recent headline story: Tractor driver had worked almost 200 hours in the fortnight leading up to his death and followed a WorkSafe prosecution. A court heard that In October 2016, a worker for a Waikato...

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